domenica 13 gennaio 2013

mercoledì 9 gennaio 2013

COMPOUNDEAD cutting your certainty cdr reviews

Compoundead is a 'noise drone experimental duo from Italy', being Mara and Truculentboy, and no instruments are mentioned on the cover of this release. Lots of electronics no doubt, a bunch of effects on the side, and maybe no instruments, but for all I know there is a guitar or two lying around, or even some sort of synthesizer. But it's all a bit shady, I think, and also it may not matter than much I think. The sound of Compoundead is in 'Aftermath', the final piece, quite distorted, blown down by its weight, but in the other two pieces, which are lengthier, we have a more New Zealand like influence in their sound: gritty lo-fi rumbling on electronics, not the best of recordings, but certainly add an extra quality to their sound. It's all in these two somewhat longer pieces that we have this great lo-fi psychedelic sound which meanders about, in the finest tradition of say Sandoz Lab Technicians or Omit. This is what I like a lot!
Vital Weekly 861 by FdW

Vecchie conoscenze sul versate più ostico del noise-sound italiano. La Sincope records se ne esce con un bel gruppetto di produzioni tra cui segnaliamo il progetto di casa Compoundead, già passato da queste parti. Un cd-r con tre tracce con l’apertura affidata a Cutting Your Certainty, un quarto d’ora di sfrigolii di attrezzature elettroniche in collasso e stasi elettrostatica cattiva come non mai. A seguire Absence si muove sulla falsariga dell’opener tra inquietanti borbotti di synth andati a male e reminiscenze alla Nate Young. Infine la chiosa affidata ad una Aftermath che addensa tutta l’elettricità trattenuta in precedenza per rilasciarla sotto forma di noise a testa in giù, alla maniera dei Dead C.

Sentireascoltare/Gimme Some Inches #33 by Stefano Pifferi